Facing Trials with a Joseph Attitude

When trials come and questions arise, we might want to cry out, “Hey God are you there or not?” Faith can be easy when life is working out for us, but how about when we can’t reason life out? What about when we have no explanation that sums up the process. It is in the pits of life that we have to choose to put our faith in God and find peace. Joseph was a guy who modeled this in Scripture. We can learn some things today from his life that will help us deal with our own pits and prisons.

Joseph gives us Six Keys to growing stronger in unexplainable trials:

1. He believed God was with Him (Gen 39:2).
How does knowing God is with you help you keep going?

2. He saw sin was against God and never secret (Gen. 39:8). How does knowing sin is against God affect our choices when we are faced with trials or temptations?

3. Joseph knew God had not forgotten him even if others had (Gen. 40 14-15-23). Have you ever felt forgotten? What are your choices? Do you choose a pity party or do you choose growth
(I usually have my big pity party bash and then surrender…how about you)?

4. Joseph always gave God the glory when God displayed power (Gen 40:8; 41:16; 50:19-20). After coming out on the bright side of a trial and receiving attention, have you ever wanted to take credit?
5. Joseph gave his rights to God and left revenge to God (Gen 41:37-43, 42:6, 43:28, 45:17). Think about all the opportunities he had for revenge that he could have justified: Potipher-Potipher’s wife-the cup bearer-his jealous/murderous brothers. Can you walk away and leave revenge to God?

6. Joseph saw that he was part of a bigger picture (Gen. 50:19-20). Do you? Are you in the land of suffering? Are you choosing all along the way to let God make you better and not bitter?

Joseph’s Key to trusting God in trials is found in Gen. 50:19-20, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives!”

How does considering that trails can be for the purpose of saving many lives affect how we view them?

Are your unexplainable trials positively affecting those around you as you become better? Joseph’s did and yours can too under God’s control! 

Cannot be reproduced without permission from shellyanne1130@gmail.com

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