God Is Alive and He Reigns!
As I read through Isaiah 43 this morning, I was reminded that I can live confidently in this dry and weary land no matter the circumstances. This chapter reminds a believer in Christ like me that God created me. God formed me. In Christ, I have nothing to fear. God redeemed me. God summoned me personally by name.
God says, "You, Michelle (fill in your name) are mine!" When (not if) I go through troubled, overwhelming, stormy waters, He goes with me and keeps the waters (circumstances) from sweeping me away. When (not if) I walk through the fire, I will not be scorched or burned. He is my God, and I am precious and honored in His sight. He loves me with an everlasting love. I am called by His name. He is truth personified, and His truth always prevails no matter the deception around me!
I am His called out witness. I am His chosen servant. He chose me to know and to believe that He is who He says He is! I am to know and believe that He is the "I Am" God! He is the one and only who has always been and will always be no matter who the leader of our country is humanly! He is the God who acts in a way no man can reverse. Get that...He said, "When I act, who can reverse it?"
He is in control not us and certainly not the media! He is my Creator and King! He commands me to forget the former things and not to dwell on the past. He is the God who Is doing a new thing! He is the God that springs up in our spirits and enables us to do great and mighty things in His Name! He is the God that makes a way in the desert. He is the God who provides steams in the wasteland!
Just remember, what man writes-off, God redeems. What man gives-up on, God raises-up. What man calls weak, God makes strong. What man discards, God declares valuable and usable. What man remembers and rehashes, God blots out and remembers no more! What man buries, God raises from the dead as the Savior of the world! No matter the state of our country, our churches or our communities, God is alive and He reigns!
Cannot be reproduced without permission from shellyanne1130@gmail.com