The Truth That Set Me Free

Truth. One word with such power. Truth means we are willing to be honest with God, ourselves, and others. Telling the truth is not popular in our culture. We put a lot of effort into appearing to be truthful, slanting the truth, or covering the truth with just enough stuff or busyness. We justify our skirting of the truth or distorting of it by saying we don’t want to hurt others or that we are trying to protect others. The problem with that mentality is that God calls it sin. There is no freedom and no right relationship with God without truth. I am not going to sugarcoat it, telling the truth is hard. Letting God convict us about any area of deceit in our lives can be a painful even humiliating process at times. I can testify that even when holding to the truth is hard, it is always worth it in the long run of things.  God is most concerned with me being right, real, and truthful with Him. This brings freedom and peace. 

Satan is the one who holds us in bondage by causing us to believe his ultimate lie… "If you tell the truth, you will lose everything. You know that you are the only one who struggles with this. If you don’t hide it, everyone will know you are a loser!” Satan is the father of lies, lying is his native tongue, and he is the deceiver, so of course, he is whispering nothing but lies to us. I remember a stronghold in my life in my early 20s. I was so convinced if I told the truth about that struggle that I would lose everything and that everyone would reject me. After a season of intense pain that hiding that sin produced, I came clean with God and everyone else involved. I let God dig deep and I began a process of healing and seeking the truth that was doing its work to set me free. I surrendered in obedience to each step of accountability and found freedom in the Lord like I had never known. I know our pews are filled with people just like I was before I surrendered to be set free by telling the truth. I have great compassion for those who feel trapped. They endlessly perform trying to measure up and fall short every time. They live to please and cry themselves to sleep when no one is around. If you are reading this and you have been held captive by the father of lies, cry out to Jesus and tell Him that you are ready to do whatever it takes to walk the road of freedom. Jesus lives, longs, and loves to set the captives free. Will you get real, get right and get going on God’s road of freedom? “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free!” John 8:32

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